My second favorite time of the Zentangle year (or is it tied with Inktober for first?), The Fragment of Your Imagination Challenge is nearly upon us! Brought to you by Debbie New and this year Ildica Boyd of the Wonderful Seven Forest Five Rivers group,
Each year, Debbie and her team choose 31 different fragments to feature and rotate through them alternating between rectangles, circles, triangles and seed shapes. Here is this years amazing list of fragments for the 2023 FYIC prompts. I highly encourage you to try this super fun project!
Anyway, I had so much fun teaching Inktober this year, that I was beyond excited to decide to teach another four-week course for this challenge. I spent a few weeks coming up with a cool string, devised a color plan for those that wanted a color background, and even filmed a 50 minute pre-course prep video so my students could arrive to class with the string for all 31 days ready to go.
Alas, the universe decided this was not the right timing for me. Towards the end of Inktober, tendonitis in my (tangling) wrist started to creep, and by mid November, the message from the universe to slow down and take a break was received loud and clear.
This class was going to be so much fun. I couldn’t imagine shelving the entire project until next year, so I have decided to offer the string prep video as my gift to the entire Zentangle (especially the 7F5R) community.
Below you will find a video of the string for FYIC as I have designed it. I did an opus size (10.5 inches square) but you can pick any size. Below that you will find a link to a key I came up with that will give you some guidance to where you might want to put each fragment. I have used a code to help. The letter is the first letter of the name of the shape of the fragment – either rectangle, circle, triangle or seed shape. The number is the day of the month the fragment is featured (referring back to the FYIC prompt list)
Video: Fragment of Your Imagination Opus String
Download PDF FYIC Prompt List Companion Key HERE