My tangle QuaSahnt has a special place in my heart as it was my very first tangle – that I deconstructed before I even became a CZT.

I think the tangle has most of it’s magic when you bend it into the shape of that French flaky pastry that might possibly be QuaSahnt’s namesake.   That said, the stepout is drawn as a basic triangle.   I works very well both in enclosed spaces in a string and also organically.




Actually, QuaSahnt just “fell out of my pen” as I was drawing a Bunzo Tile and I thought it was cute, so I decided to pull it out on its own.


Below you will find the stepout, for QuaSahnt, a short video demonstration from my Vimeo Channel, and a few examples of pieces I have completed with it.



Here is the stepout for QuaSahnt.


Here are Some Fragment Ideas and an Alternate Stepout: 








Here is a Video Demonstration of QuaSahnt


Here are a couple of my creations with QuaSahnt

Other Links: 

QuaSahnt as featured on

QuaSahnt on

Melinda Barlow’s video demonstration of QuaSahnt



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