I love auras! One day not long ago I was playing around with the fun Stepped Sand Swirl tangleation that I enjoy so much and Tennae just sort of happened.
After I sent Tennae out to the world, I found out that Tennae is very similar to (a yet unpublished to the general public) tangle by Maria Thomas, called Sedgling.
Sedgling is to Sand Swirl, as Tennae is to Stepped Sand Swirl. That is, instead of finishing the entire element, you tangle the first aura around all the little Game of Life people (see stepout below) and then go back for seconds and thirds etc.
Speaking of the Game of Life stick people…remember how they would ALWAYS fall out of your car? What a pain. But that game was just too fun and we endured the car wreck and packed our cars with all those bendable plastic children every single time. And they recovered quite nicely too! That is until your car tripped over one of those little green plastic hills and they took yet another tumble, LOL!
Here is the stepout for Tennae
Here is a Video Demonstration of Tennae