Learn how to create striking and interesting backgrounds suitable for Maptangling water brushes and watercolor or water-based brush pens
Summary: In this 3-hour live (or VOD) workshop you will :
- Learn how to lay down use both Ecoline Watercolor Brush Pens as well as Water Based Ink Brush Pens (Tombow, Koi, Zig, etc) to create unique backgrounds!
- Learn how to use water brushes and brush pens create background washes
- Learn how to use water brushes to create and control “ink rivers”
- Learn how to adjust the intensity of color in your tiles without losing “random effect”
- Learn how to merge “ink rivers” to create gradients
- Learn how to use water “like bleach” to create negative space wet strings
There are no prerequisites for this workshop. This is a prerecorded workshop of a live 3 hour class taught in January of 2022. It is a live video transcript and has not been edited for chatter, quiet tangle time, etc.
Cost: $40.00. Bundle any three VOD Workshops for $100. $30 for each additional class bought at the same time. . Contact Heidi at heidi@hktanglerczt.com to register or for more information.
This class features Ecoline Brush Pens or Tombow/Koi etc water based ink brush pens. This is not a tangling workshop and covers the creation of backgrounds only.
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Email Heidi to Learn More or Purchase